Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

The Department of Biology hires undergraduate teaching assistants (UAs) for each fall and spring semester. Students may be hired to one, two or three assignments per semester and may be assigned as a lecture LA, a lab UA or a Grader based on their qualifications and schedule. Duties may include attending each class, attending weekly planning meetings, grading assignments, proctoring exams, helping with class activities, and holding tutoring sessions for students. Students will be expected to perform approximately 5 hours of work per week per each assignment.  Student schedules must allow them to attend the class section(s) they are assigned, even though they may not be required to attend each class period. Students who have taken Biological Instruction (BIOL 2800) will be given strong preference for these positions.

Current UAs must reapply each semester for a position.


Selected candidates may be assigned to any of the roles listed below:

Learning Assistant (LA) in a lecture course:
LAs will be required to attend the lecture course, assistant with in-class activities, attend weekly prep meetings with faculty, complete survey at end of semester; optionally you may grade assignments, enter grades into the gradebook, proctor exams, have a set schedule of tutoring sessions.

Grader for a lecture course:
Graders will be required to grade assignments; optionally you may be asked to enter grades into the gradebook, attend class to proctor exams, have a set schedule of tutoring sessions.

Undergraduate Assistant (UA) in a lab course:
Lab UAs are required to attend the lab course, attend the weekly lab meetings, assist with in-lab activities, assist with grading, and enter grades in the gradebook.

Employment eligibility requirements:

For the semester of employment, students must be enrolled at least half-time, have completed a minimum of 30 semester hours (prior to the first day of class), and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students are allowed to be employed in another unit on campus but the total number of hours worked between ALL campus jobs cannot exceed 25 hours per week.

Applications for upcoming semesters are made available in mid-November (for spring semesters) and mid-April (for fall semesters).  For more information, contact Taria Crenshaw (crenshawt@ecu.edu).

Apply Here

Applications are only available for a two-week period in mid-November and mid-April.  

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