Laboratory of Claudia Jolls, Ph.D.

Title: Conservation of plants and their pollinators

Do you eat plants? Do you eat anything that eats plants? Of course you do and bees help pollinate more than 75% of our flowering plants and crops. Yet, there is much to know about plant-insect interactions.

We ask 1) what threats are responsible for rare plant loss as well as pollinator decline? and 2) what basic knowledge do we need for rare plants and also for their pollinators to conserve them? We use studies involving work in the field, greenhouse and environmental chambers with techniques in ecology (seed germination, plant growth response, electron microscopy, insect collection and preservation). Of recent interest is how establishment of solar panel farms in eastern NC and elsewhere might use native plants in their landscaping, instead of turf grass and gravel, to enhance insect habitat and resources, particularly of bees and butterflies. Students initially volunteer time in the lab and field; independent projects as well as academic credit are possible after training and acceptance, for eventual participation of at least ~10 hr/wk. Please email your resume, your long-term goals and a brief statement of what you hope to gain from a research experience to Dr. Claudia Jolls at