2013 Archives

“Genomic Insights into Poison Frog Behavior and Diversity” by Dr. Lauren O’Connell
THCAS Advancement Council Distinguished Professorship in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Department of Biology Present "Genomic Insights into Poison Frog Behavior and Diversity" Dr. Lauren O'Connell FAS Center for System Biology at Harvard University at 4 pm, Oct 24, 2013 in room C309 of the Science and Technology Building...

Dr. Enrique Reyes was elected as Secretary for the 2013-2015 Governing Board of the Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation
As new board member Dr. Reyes is tasked with overseeing the implementation CERF's mission and strategic plan for the duration of their term. The CERF is a multidisciplinary organization of...

Burroughs Welcome Lecture
Associate Chief of Pathology for Research at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School Dr. J. Keith Joung will Present, "Editing Genes to Understand and Treat Disease." October 17, 12-1pm @ C307 Science and Technology Building Additional information can be found at Burroughs Wellcome Lecture ...

ECU Ecologist’s Wetlands Research Featured in Major Science Publication Dr. Marcelo Ardon-Sayao
GREENVILLE, N.C. (June 19, 2013) — In recent weeks, research conducted by an East Carolina University professor has appeared in two major science publications. Dr. Marcelo Ardón-Sayao, assistant professor of...

Biodiversity Scholarship Winner Announced
ECU’s Center for Biodiversity is delighted to announce the winner of our first annual Biodiversity Scholarship competition for Pitt County high school students conducting research projects on local plant and animal biodiversity. Ms. Alina Suedbeck won the $1000 scholarship for her research entitled "Lepidoptera Caterpillar Spiracle Variation". Participating students were matched with an ECU mentor to assist them in project planning. Completed projects were presented at ECU’s annual Earth Day Expo on April 18th....

Earth Day Expo at ECU to feature interactive events, lecture on April 18

Carol Goodwillie Receives 2013 Scholar-Teacher Award (PDF)

Associate Dean and Biology Professor Cindy Putnam-Evans Named ECU Women of Distinction

UNC Board of Governors Announces University-Wide Awards for Teaching Excellence

Lifetime and Five-Year Achievement Awards for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity – and – Scholarship of Engagement Award
Dear ECU Community – It is my pleasure and honor to announce the recipients of the ECU Lifetime and Five-Year Achievement Awards for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity and...

ECU Biology Professor Researching Risk Factors Associated with Fourth Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
GREENVILLE, N.C. (Feb. 26, 2013) — Every 40 seconds someone in the United States suffers a stroke, and nearly 40 percent of those survivors will suffer a recurrent stroke within...

UNC Biology Chairpersons Gather at ECU to Discuss Educational Challenges
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UNC Biology Chairpersons Gather at ECU to Discuss Educational Challenges GREENVILLE, N.C. (Jan. 30, 2013) — Nearly a dozen biology department chairpersons from across the UNC System...