Michael McCoy

Associate Professor

Howell S105A

McCoy Lab


  • Ph.D., Department of Zoology, University of Florida, 2006.
  • M.Sc., Department of Biology, Old Dominion University, 2000.
  • B.Sc., Department of Biology, Old Dominion University, 1996

Research Interests

I am a quantitative ecologist that develops and implements cutting edge experimental and statistical approaches to address questions in conservation, population, and community ecology and that help to better link empirical data to ecological and evolutionary theory. In my research I typically take a mechanistic approach aimed at understanding how variation in individual traits (e.g. size, stage and phenotype) scale up to influence population and community level processes and spatial coupling across ecosystems. Within this broader context, my research can be loosely categorized into five interrelated conceptual themes; 1) the ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticity, 2) body size dependence of ecological interactions, 3) cross ecosystem links formed by the sequential process of complex life cycles, 4) understanding multiple predator effects, and 5) the development of innovative experimental and quantitative approaches.


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