NC Biodiversity Center Hosts an exciting Earth Day Event April 15th and 16th, featuring internationally renowned author, Richard Louv.

Please join us for an Earth Day presentation. Richard Louv, author of “LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder” will give a presentation at 7pm on Friday, April 15th in 0C307 Science and Technology Building. “LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS ” has stimulated an international conversation about the relationship between children and nature. Louv coined the term Nature-Deficit Disorder® which has become the defining phrase of this important issue.

He will sign books following his presentation, and books will be available for sale including a new book he is releasing that week entitled “THE NATURE PRINCIPLE, HUMAN RESTORATION AND THE END OF NATURE-DEFICIT DISORDER”.

A family-oriented outdoor hands-on event will follow on Saturday, April 16th. We are looking for people to set up interactive exhibits focusing on environmental activities or volunteer to hold natural history activities. Please notify Heather Vance-Chalcraft ( , Assistant Director of Outreach for the North Carolina Center for Biodiveristy, if you wish to volunteer at this event. Please distribute this announcement and request to anyone you think may be interested.

The Nature Principle Downloads:

Louv’s visit is being sponsored by the North Carolina Center for Biodiversity, with the following partners:

  • Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Brody School of Medicine
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Center for Sustainable Tourism
  • Institute for Coastal Science and Policy
  • Department of Health and Human Promotion
  • College of Education
  • Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education
  • Go-Science
  • A Time for Science Nature and Science Learning Center